I am creative and love to draw, cartoon, write music, animate... I believe that with enough work Newgrounds will come to see that I have what it takes to be what I believe I can be. Thank You Newgrounds.

Kyle Schaff @GamekrazzyProduction

Age 31, Male


Hardin High School

Hardin, Montana

Joined on 5/16/10

Exp Points:
530 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.97 votes
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Hey Fans!
I'm working on a new project that is going to require a lot of chip-tune music!!!!
So This is an update for you all! I just recently uploaded 2 new songs for the game, and you can find them below this jumble of text.

Anyways. The game is going to be an NES Dragon Warrior like game with custom sprites, and tile-sets.
I don't believe in ripping, and I am an aspiring artist after all. So everything is custom. I don't want to give any spoilers... especially game-play elements, as the last thing I want is someone to copy my brilliant ideas!

So the game is going to take place in a fantasy universe in which the base plot-line is that the gods have been deceived into believing that their children.. "Humans, Elves etc.." have abandoned them and are worshiping false idols... "Kings, Queens, Demons etc..."

Anyways because of this, the once peaceful World of "Insert Name Here" (I haven't come up with a name yet. ha!), is now under siege by monsters and angels alike.

You, the protagonist, are an angel that doesn't approve of what the gods have done, and you take your leave from "Heaven" to aid in the children's plight. Once an angel enters the realm of the "Humans, Elves etc..." they take the form of a "Human, Elf etc..." keeping their angelic powers to use on their behalf. (Class Selection) When you left to aid children's plight, the gods for-saw this as a problem and stripped you of your memory. You awake later in an inn, not knowing your identity. (Name Creation).


The game is not going to be a flash game, so don't expect it on the portal, however all music used in the game is going to be uploaded here on Newgrounds! Below are the 2 songs I mentioned before. Give them a listen, and go ahead and review them if you would like.



Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and let me know what you think of the game plot in the comment section below. Thank you!

New Project = New Audio!

Recent Game Medals

1,990 Points

Grass Treasure 5 Points

Complete the Grass Dungeon!

To be continued... 25 Points

Finish the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Machinations 10 Points

Finish Act II

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Out of the Woods and into the... 25 Points

Finish Act I

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Kamehameha! 10 Points

Harness your Hadou with fireball power

Roy Orb-ison 25 Points

Return the 3 orbs to the well

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Added to bosses for Cathode Raybots Dec 5, 2015.


Added to faces for Cathode Raybots Dec 5, 2015.

Heart monitor

Added to faces for Cathode Raybots Jan 23, 2014.


Added to bosses for Cathode Raybots Mar 17, 2013.


Added to faces for Cathode Raybots Mar 17, 2013.