I figured I would give my oppinion. I like it. too bad it doesn't seem to do a thing about voting unfairly or anything of the sorts. But I don't see how any song of mine can honestly be "LOL, that is wack" and apparently according to some people out there, they are. And well, what can I do about it. Haters gonna hate. Anyways, it just annoys me that a song with 1 vote of a 5 can go to a 2.93 with a 2nd vote. That means that the voter had to have voted on it a 2 or less, which seriously makes no sense unless you think that video game music re-iterations is crap and you wish to die in a hole somewhere.... Re-iterations of video game music are no different then re-iterations or covers of pop music or theatrical music. I don't mean to sound like I think my music is all great and all, but I at least see it scoring around a 3 or higher. Come on people... vote fairly, or don't vote at all. And at least give a reason why the song scored low. Anyways, I figure this won't change a thing, but hey... gotta express this somehow... :D
Well. Check out my newest re-iteration I made for you guys. Hope you enjoy it!
People can be pricks, huh?
Just hang in there, your work is pretty good and I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks so.
Hey thanks! I guess it just takes time. :P